No matter how good the ground thinks it can become, unless someone puts a seed into it, a plant is not going to grow. We are the ground, God plants the seed of righteousness and salvation. Godly righteousness and salvation can't be produced by us on earth, the only thing we can do is receive it. this is God's plan for separating the wheat from the chaff, the proud from the humble, the self righteous from the Godly righteous. The truth of God separates all the mi lions of similar religions by offering the free gift of salvation and say in "simply believe and you will be saved." The proud don't want to believe in Jesus, that there entry into haven and there level of Godly righteousness depends on how good God is rather then on how good they are. The proud want to believe that there entry into heaven is based on how amazing they are, how righteous they can become, on how God-like they can make them selves.

Christianity, the truth of God, is different from all the other religions and belief systems because it is the only one where you can't impress your God.

In a nutshell

To keep pride out of heaven God made salvation a free gift of His grace to all who believe in Jesus. Jesus said "Simply believe", because this separates the wheat from the chaff, the proud heart from the humble. If salvation was a list of rules to complete then the proud could simply follow them and get in. Instead Jesus fulfilled the law of requirements so the humble would believe in Him and the proud would believe that God is rewarding them for how great they are.

Doing the right thing.

Believe or do. The proud want to do because they think they are so good at it. When God wants us to do it is out of humility, not pride. There are no alternative motives in this master plan. You can tell who is doing good things out of proudly wanting to prove to God how much better then others they are, because they point the finger at those who don't do it. They are the unjustifiable proud sinners who do things by the law because they think God is impressed with how amazing they are.

There are three types of people in God's eyes: the hot, the cold, and the luke worm. {Bible} The hot are the sinners who know they are sinners and need Jesus. The cold are the sinners who know they are sinners but don't know they need Jesus. The luke worm are the sinners who don't think they are sinners and don't think they need Jesus. Since one's level of righteousness depends on your ability to believe in receiving, the dirtiest in God's eyes are the luke worm who can't be justified by him because they are to busy justifying themselves.

Rom 2:1 "Therefore you are inexcusable, o man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things."

Even more scattered seeds.

Religion is man powered, where Christianity is God powered.

God couldn't spell out how to get into heaven because the proud heart could follow it and get in. Instead His truth hides perfectly from the proud, he can only be found by the humble heart. The proud heart always draws the same conclusions from the bible, "what can this amazing person do to get in". The proud heart doesn't want to believe in replacing there goodness and greatness for Jesus's, because they believe they have so much of it themselves.

The thing with spiritual levels is like that of earthly:- You can't help the deaf by turning up the volume; you cant make a dark room bright by washing the walls; you need to turn on the light. We can't be righteous in God's eyes by trying to stop sinning:- we need to receive His righteousness and forgiveness like a seed which sets us free from the power of sin. :- Romans.

In the garden one tree the proud heart was attracted to and the other tree was for the humble heart. For imperfect humanity, what you achieve doesn't mater, it's all about the heart and what man wants. And when we finally stand before God and He asks us why we should come in, the proud will talk about how good they have been and the humble will say they believe in him.

The ass hols in there long robes have done a good job convincing the world that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil on the left is the right way to go. The law is a test of the heart to see weather we would choose grace or deeper into law. When the proud heart looks at the law it thinks "shit i think i can do this, since I'm so wonderful." The humble heart says i can't do this i need Jesus.

More scattered seeds

"your word's are as smooth as butter, but they are drawn swords." :- Proverbs

Christians who are of the seed way can spot the thin end of the wedge, the attempt to plant small seeds that lead to death. Eveologies style should be well known, sneaky, suspicious, mistrusting, snickering, criticising. It's form of attack is a thousand paper cuts, under the radar. It uses the smallest advances, not enough to make the average loving open heart respond yet still making ground and moving forward bit by tiny bit. evil relies on it's tinny attacks not being noticed and, if noticed being able to then convince that any response is disproportionate.

Judging/knowing by there fruit.

Judging is making an assessment of someone according to how closely they fulfill the letter of the law, which shows God you believe in self-righteousness which means you are an earthly minded legalist and don't know the truth of God and are not born again. Knowing someone by there fruits shows you measure by the spirit of the law of life and do know the truth. "Does this person treat others like they believe there own righteousness gets them into heaven?" We don't judge and condemn according to what is on the surface, we see if others have the truth of life in them. One is a law assessment, the other is a grace assessment.

"You'll know them by there fruits," snickering, criticizing, finger pointing, judging:- these aren't the actions of someone who feels Lucky to be accepted by God, who has been forgiven much, who believes righteousness comes only from God to the humble receivers heart and that there own means nothing. Do they act like someone who is justified by law or grace.

He's a smart God.

God doesn't want people i heaven who, after they have gone through the pearly gates can finally let there hair down and be themselves. He doesn't want people who are behaving themselves just so they get in to heaven. He wants people to relax and open up and see what's inside them while on earth, and the only way to do that is to give them an assurance of salvation and continued forgiveness. He's a smart God.

Put yourself in God's shoos. In order to keep pride out of heaven He had to make the kind of righteousness needed for salvation His own and not ours, and can only be received as a free gift if you believe it. The reason why is because if we could get in by following rules, then any proud person could follow them and get in, and that wouldn't sift out the good heart from the bad. It would fill heaven with people who are good at following rules but are also finger pointing, snickering, criticizing, judging, manipulating, self-righteous worshippers of themselves.

He made the rightness needed for entry a free gift if you "simply believe" as Jesus said and not works because the proud heart doesn't want to believe in a God who isn't impresses by our reason why we are better then others, or who's arm can't be twisted or manipulated or triked or submit to there ways and rules.

In the garden eve decided to believe in the proud view of God.

Scatterd seeds of random truths.

Satan approaches Eve with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The poignant seed is the stumbling truth for those with Satan's belief system. No matter how good the ground thinks it can be, it can't produce a plant unless someone puts a seed in it. All the accumulated information under the sun can't replace the most important part, the seed.

One day after talking to the serpent Eve decided to go from receiving God's goodness and favour to trying to prove she deserves it because she is "like God".

Either you believe that God accepts you because He is graceful, or should accept you because you can prove through the knowledge of good and evil he "should" accept you.

Jesus said "simply believe and you will be saved", but what belief is so powerful that if you got it it would go to work actively and all that is required is that you believe in the one who does it. The good Lord put the requirements for entry into heaven simply believing in this belief system because this one separates the wheat from the chaff. God set up a system that keeps pride from ever getting back into heaven. With His belief system the humble want to believe in Him but the proud don't. The proud doesn't want to believe in a God that doesn't care about any righteous thing you have done or how much you know, because they believe they have done a lot, and are far more deserving of God's favour then most others. They want to believe in themselves, in there righteousness, in there power of salvation, in there ability to find wisdom and truth through knowledge of there good and other's evil. They want to believe they can demand there way in, twist God's arm, manipulate Him and prove how bad others are next to them. {Luke 18:10}

John 8:32 How can you be free and honest before God when your minding your p's and q's. Or to put it another way, how can you be free and honest with the Lord when your afraid you might slip up and sin, like a blob of dirt that is worried God might say "that's dirty, clean it or no go!"

Building Godly righteousness in our selves is like the dirt pushing itself into the shape of a plant and saying "look God, your righteous plant, now let me in!" Hardening ourselves up to prove to God we can grow a tree without his stumbling stone of truth, the seed, makes us proud and "works/prove it" orientated.

Being a christian means knowing what eve should have said to the serpent.

God wants people who become good in time because they want to, not because they are trying to convince God in an interview that they should be granted His favour. He wants people who, when being them self have practical physical morals, not just when there trying to please Him. Your boss needs to know who you are, He needs to accept the worst. When you have been at work for six months the real you comes out, God doesn't want the real you cumming out six months after entry into heaven. He must therefore defuse you and deal with what comes out. No one is going to relax and de-fuse themselves in front of a God that looks at there outward works.

To the finger pointers say "Stop it! don't you know that this is what separates the wheat from the chaff. "

Put yourself in Satan's shoes. When your up against a superior power you become a peace protester. Satan and his mob don't openly attack upfront and honestly, honoring boundaries and with respect. They use the thousand paper cut method, with every tiny broken boundary designed to put you on the apologetic back foot. As a christian you can see the attempts to wrong you and expose the darkness. "Eveon Adem." They say "you are over reacting and judging, a disproportionate response!"

When the Eve part of Adam reached out and grabbed the fruit of her conversation with serpy, the damage was long done and the fruit on the tree was the end result of it. Godliness isn't about a strong will or ability to obey or human power and self righteous worship, but God's power, and worship. You can't find or discover, or catch "he who hides from the proud but reveals himself to the humble." You can't make up the truth of God, it has to come to you from heaven, and only if you humbly believe in receiving it rather then proudly making it and mocking all God is and has done.

Coffe and chease.

What is the great mystery that the bible talks about. What is the good news, the light in the darkness or on a hill and the bare essential truth of the seed as the only way. What is the rock of offense, the stumbling stone that the builders rejected that is the chief corner stone. Who are the builders. What tiny indispensable truth is foolishness to those who are perishing but the power of God to those being saved. What is the truth that the wise and the teachers don't get because you need to be humble in order to understand. Obviously it's Jesus, Jesus is the answer, but what does that mean? Why is the tree of knowledge of good and evil not called the tree of death when the other tree is called the tree of life. Why did the bible preachers say just believe, and what belief is so powerful and different, and seems silly and contradictory and outrageous that people who think they know it all don't want to believe it.

Is it really possible to say you believe in God but don't want to know what His belief system is. As a christian would you be just as hopeless as Eve was in the garden when faced with similar snickering half truths about the things of God. How silly we are, we are a blob of mud trying to clean itself for God. We try to twist God's arm and trick Him into thinking we can produce Godly righteousness and salvation ourselves and don't need to simply receive. And we think we can produce more on earth than others can, and deserve heaven more then others. We think we can convince God through revealing things about how amazing we are that He was to stupid to realize. We want to believe that we can play him the fool like a scarred week child who needs to hold our hand and rely on us for reassurance of our ability and greatness and power. We need to prove to Him and teach him how incredibly humble we are, hopefully He will be impressed, He should be, shouldn't He? We don't want to believe salvation is the power of God but the power of us. Along with Eve we think we can gain knowledge of how good we are and how evil others are and prove it to God.

Why does focusing on the knowledge of good and evil lead to death and Jesus lead to life. What belief system is so different to all the others that it stands out like a light on a hill in the darkness. Basically it's the seedway, no matter how good the soil tries to be, it won't produce a plant without a seed, a tiny, insignificant, little truth that is bare essential. The ground can't do it, but it wants to believe it can without the seed, a truth that is a stumbling stone to the proud and learned, a corner stone rock off offense for those who think they can build Godly righteousnes by themselves and believe in themselves. A tiny insignificant truth that gets ignored and swept under the carpet by the proud and arrogant, with there long robes and much works and accumulated knowledge of why God should let them into heaven.

What's the good news of the gospel that sets you free when you simply believe what outwardly good people don't want to, and the wise and learned don't want to understand??? Why it's Jesus, believe in receiving Jesus. What Jesus? Little Jesus meek and mild, gutless, nerdy, reliant, boring, week Jesus?

The kind of Godliness needed for entry into heaven can't be produced on earth by humans. It is made by God, comes from heaven, and can only be received. On one side are the builders of Godliness, righteousness, salvation that are trying to prove to God how worthy and wonderful they are. On the other side are the receivers, who know they can't do it and need to receive it. On one side are the self righteous proud hearts, on the other are the God righteous humble hearts. On one side are those who like Eve keep choosing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Leeds to death. On the other side are the Christians who choose life which leads to life. The accumulated knowledge of dirt won't grow a tree, only the tinny truth of the seed.

Time for coffe and chease.