Doing the right thing.

Believe or do. The proud want to do because they think they are so good at it. When God wants us to do it is out of humility, not pride. There are no alternative motives in this master plan. You can tell who is doing good things out of proudly wanting to prove to God how much better then others they are, because they point the finger at those who don't do it. They are the unjustifiable proud sinners who do things by the law because they think God is impressed with how amazing they are.

There are three types of people in God's eyes: the hot, the cold, and the luke worm. {Bible} The hot are the sinners who know they are sinners and need Jesus. The cold are the sinners who know they are sinners but don't know they need Jesus. The luke worm are the sinners who don't think they are sinners and don't think they need Jesus. Since one's level of righteousness depends on your ability to believe in receiving, the dirtiest in God's eyes are the luke worm who can't be justified by him because they are to busy justifying themselves.

Rom 2:1 "Therefore you are inexcusable, o man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things."