What is the great mystery that the bible talks about. What is the good news, the light in the darkness or on a hill and the bare essential truth of the seed as the only way. What is the rock of offense, the stumbling stone that the builders rejected that is the chief corner stone. Who are the builders. What tiny indispensable truth is foolishness to those who are perishing but the power of God to those being saved. What is the truth that the wise and the teachers don't get because you need to be humble in order to understand. Obviously it's Jesus, Jesus is the answer, but what does that mean? Why is the tree of knowledge of good and evil not called the tree of death when the other tree is called the tree of life. Why did the bible preachers say just believe, and what belief is so powerful and different, and seems silly and contradictory and outrageous that people who think they know it all don't want to believe it.
Is it really possible to say you believe in God but don't want to know what His belief system is. As a christian would you be just as hopeless as Eve was in the garden when faced with similar snickering half truths about the things of God. How silly we are, we are a blob of mud trying to clean itself for God. We try to twist God's arm and trick Him into thinking we can produce Godly righteousness and salvation ourselves and don't need to simply receive. And we think we can produce more on earth than others can, and deserve heaven more then others. We think we can convince God through revealing things about how amazing we are that He was to stupid to realize. We want to believe that we can play him the fool like a scarred week child who needs to hold our hand and rely on us for reassurance of our ability and greatness and power. We need to prove to Him and teach him how incredibly humble we are, hopefully He will be impressed, He should be, shouldn't He? We don't want to believe salvation is the power of God but the power of us. Along with Eve we think we can gain knowledge of how good we are and how evil others are and prove it to God.
Why does focusing on the knowledge of good and evil lead to death and Jesus lead to life. What belief system is so different to all the others that it stands out like a light on a hill in the darkness. Basically it's the seedway, no matter how good the soil tries to be, it won't produce a plant without a seed, a tiny, insignificant, little truth that is bare essential. The ground can't do it, but it wants to believe it can without the seed, a truth that is a stumbling stone to the proud and learned, a corner stone rock off offense for those who think they can build Godly righteousnes by themselves and believe in themselves. A tiny insignificant truth that gets ignored and swept under the carpet by the proud and arrogant, with there long robes and much works and accumulated knowledge of why God should let them into heaven.
What's the good news of the gospel that sets you free when you simply believe what outwardly good people don't want to, and the wise and learned don't want to understand??? Why it's Jesus, believe in receiving Jesus. What Jesus? Little Jesus meek and mild, gutless, nerdy, reliant, boring, week Jesus?
The kind of Godliness needed for entry into heaven can't be produced on earth by humans. It is made by God, comes from heaven, and can only be received. On one side are the builders of Godliness, righteousness, salvation that are trying to prove to God how worthy and wonderful they are. On the other side are the receivers, who know they can't do it and need to receive it. On one side are the self righteous proud hearts, on the other are the God righteous humble hearts. On one side are those who like Eve keep choosing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Leeds to death. On the other side are the Christians who choose life which leads to life. The accumulated knowledge of dirt won't grow a tree, only the tinny truth of the seed.
Time for coffe and chease.