Scatterd seeds of random truths.

Satan approaches Eve with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The poignant seed is the stumbling truth for those with Satan's belief system. No matter how good the ground thinks it can be, it can't produce a plant unless someone puts a seed in it. All the accumulated information under the sun can't replace the most important part, the seed.

One day after talking to the serpent Eve decided to go from receiving God's goodness and favour to trying to prove she deserves it because she is "like God".

Either you believe that God accepts you because He is graceful, or should accept you because you can prove through the knowledge of good and evil he "should" accept you.

Jesus said "simply believe and you will be saved", but what belief is so powerful that if you got it it would go to work actively and all that is required is that you believe in the one who does it. The good Lord put the requirements for entry into heaven simply believing in this belief system because this one separates the wheat from the chaff. God set up a system that keeps pride from ever getting back into heaven. With His belief system the humble want to believe in Him but the proud don't. The proud doesn't want to believe in a God that doesn't care about any righteous thing you have done or how much you know, because they believe they have done a lot, and are far more deserving of God's favour then most others. They want to believe in themselves, in there righteousness, in there power of salvation, in there ability to find wisdom and truth through knowledge of there good and other's evil. They want to believe they can demand there way in, twist God's arm, manipulate Him and prove how bad others are next to them. {Luke 18:10}

John 8:32 How can you be free and honest before God when your minding your p's and q's. Or to put it another way, how can you be free and honest with the Lord when your afraid you might slip up and sin, like a blob of dirt that is worried God might say "that's dirty, clean it or no go!"

Building Godly righteousness in our selves is like the dirt pushing itself into the shape of a plant and saying "look God, your righteous plant, now let me in!" Hardening ourselves up to prove to God we can grow a tree without his stumbling stone of truth, the seed, makes us proud and "works/prove it" orientated.

Being a christian means knowing what eve should have said to the serpent.

God wants people who become good in time because they want to, not because they are trying to convince God in an interview that they should be granted His favour. He wants people who, when being them self have practical physical morals, not just when there trying to please Him. Your boss needs to know who you are, He needs to accept the worst. When you have been at work for six months the real you comes out, God doesn't want the real you cumming out six months after entry into heaven. He must therefore defuse you and deal with what comes out. No one is going to relax and de-fuse themselves in front of a God that looks at there outward works.

To the finger pointers say "Stop it! don't you know that this is what separates the wheat from the chaff. "

Put yourself in Satan's shoes. When your up against a superior power you become a peace protester. Satan and his mob don't openly attack upfront and honestly, honoring boundaries and with respect. They use the thousand paper cut method, with every tiny broken boundary designed to put you on the apologetic back foot. As a christian you can see the attempts to wrong you and expose the darkness. "Eveon Adem." They say "you are over reacting and judging, a disproportionate response!"

When the Eve part of Adam reached out and grabbed the fruit of her conversation with serpy, the damage was long done and the fruit on the tree was the end result of it. Godliness isn't about a strong will or ability to obey or human power and self righteous worship, but God's power, and worship. You can't find or discover, or catch "he who hides from the proud but reveals himself to the humble." You can't make up the truth of God, it has to come to you from heaven, and only if you humbly believe in receiving it rather then proudly making it and mocking all God is and has done.