More scattered seeds

"your word's are as smooth as butter, but they are drawn swords." :- Proverbs

Christians who are of the seed way can spot the thin end of the wedge, the attempt to plant small seeds that lead to death. Eveologies style should be well known, sneaky, suspicious, mistrusting, snickering, criticising. It's form of attack is a thousand paper cuts, under the radar. It uses the smallest advances, not enough to make the average loving open heart respond yet still making ground and moving forward bit by tiny bit. evil relies on it's tinny attacks not being noticed and, if noticed being able to then convince that any response is disproportionate.

Judging/knowing by there fruit.

Judging is making an assessment of someone according to how closely they fulfill the letter of the law, which shows God you believe in self-righteousness which means you are an earthly minded legalist and don't know the truth of God and are not born again. Knowing someone by there fruits shows you measure by the spirit of the law of life and do know the truth. "Does this person treat others like they believe there own righteousness gets them into heaven?" We don't judge and condemn according to what is on the surface, we see if others have the truth of life in them. One is a law assessment, the other is a grace assessment.

"You'll know them by there fruits," snickering, criticizing, finger pointing, judging:- these aren't the actions of someone who feels Lucky to be accepted by God, who has been forgiven much, who believes righteousness comes only from God to the humble receivers heart and that there own means nothing. Do they act like someone who is justified by law or grace.

He's a smart God.

God doesn't want people i heaven who, after they have gone through the pearly gates can finally let there hair down and be themselves. He doesn't want people who are behaving themselves just so they get in to heaven. He wants people to relax and open up and see what's inside them while on earth, and the only way to do that is to give them an assurance of salvation and continued forgiveness. He's a smart God.

Put yourself in God's shoos. In order to keep pride out of heaven He had to make the kind of righteousness needed for salvation His own and not ours, and can only be received as a free gift if you believe it. The reason why is because if we could get in by following rules, then any proud person could follow them and get in, and that wouldn't sift out the good heart from the bad. It would fill heaven with people who are good at following rules but are also finger pointing, snickering, criticizing, judging, manipulating, self-righteous worshippers of themselves.

He made the rightness needed for entry a free gift if you "simply believe" as Jesus said and not works because the proud heart doesn't want to believe in a God who isn't impresses by our reason why we are better then others, or who's arm can't be twisted or manipulated or triked or submit to there ways and rules.

In the garden eve decided to believe in the proud view of God.