In a garden God put:- Himself. Manwoman. The tree that leads to Godly righteousness. The the tree that leads to self righteousness. And Satan. And this is the truth of God.
When a misguided "preacher" preaches about doing what is right for salvation they are encourage people to produce more self-righteousness {because mankind can't actually produce Godly righteousness } through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and into law, therefore the curse, power, and punishment of sin.
God's plan for righteousness and salvation is to declare everyone a sinner and start over with grace. Manny people live there lives thinking they can become more like God if they try, instead of the new way of apologising and receiving the forgiveness and power to be able to forget about it. "the power of God unto salvation" Rom 1:16
Law and grace is like fruit in that which ever one you eat, even a nibble, you are partaking of it. You can't dip your tow in the law for that extra "help" toward salvation or righteousness. As Galatians says in 3 "cursed is everyone who does not continue", and 3:1 "oh foolish Galatians... having begun in the spirit are you now being made perfect in the flesh."
Time for coffee and strong cheese.