No matter how good the ground thinks it can become, unless someone puts a seed into it, a plant is not going to grow. We are the ground, God plants the seed of righteousness and salvation. Godly righteousness and salvation can't be produced by us on earth, the only thing we can do is receive it. this is God's plan for separating the wheat from the chaff, the proud from the humble, the self righteous from the Godly righteous. The truth of God separates all the mi lions of similar religions by offering the free gift of salvation and say in "simply believe and you will be saved." The proud don't want to believe in Jesus, that there entry into haven and there level of Godly righteousness depends on how good God is rather then on how good they are. The proud want to believe that there entry into heaven is based on how amazing they are, how righteous they can become, on how God-like they can make them selves.
Christianity, the truth of God, is different from all the other religions and belief systems because it is the only one where you can't impress your God.